perpetual bluefunk


game: ddr-konamix trick mode ! on the hard pad ! woo!

music: groovetech seattle [realone radio]

just watched: - . - zzZZZzz

last five entries:

[ elusive fuzz magnet - 03.05.04 ]
[ accidental hair - 03.04.04 ]
[ primary time - 03.02.04 ]
[ on: the gm & oscar night - 03.01.04 ]
[ that familar foreboding - 02.27.04 ]

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.. wishlist ..

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diaries i read:

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others i read:

ddr clique

[ 08.05.02 ] [ 10:49 am ]

Boss is about to drive away yet another client with his thick-headed insensitivity. yeah, it's like that (root?) beer commercial where the guy sits through his interview addressing the man as "mr. dumbass". too bad that this client is the one that we rely on most for income.

the last few weeks have been stressful and draining, which is why my entries have been lacking.

stressful, because Boss is not sure whether he needs front office staff anymore, and draining, because we need to look busy, through this record low of work drought. for some reason, he opts to keep my assistant, so i'm having the poor girl retype the labels on all of the tattered folders in our filing cabinets.

me? i've been sneaking some solitaire on my clie and walking around the office pretending to inspect the stock supplies and libraries that have already been obsessive-compulsively squared away. my filing speed has even dropped to 2 files per minute, as opposed to the average 7 files per minute.

bored bored bored. what to do? Boss keeps walking by our desks as a "routine checkup", to ensure that he's getting his money's worth out of us. it's not as though i really care if i can continue to sit here and feign work, but i do need to play my cards right, so that in the case that i am laid-off as opposed to fired, i can collect some sort of unemployment compensation.

the intensity of Boss' stress is turning him into pms-man. i've never seen so much random emotional oubursts from a straight male. it's most intriguing. although, my previous assistant gives the moon much credit for his vicissitudes.

to quote her, "when he's waxing gibbous... run away !"

cast of characters:

bluefunk Win

Boss zoolander cfo

captain gucci boss2

raver mommy
